Click on the 'Spiritual Events'
tab to find info on adoration and info on other Spiritual Events
Click on the 'Ministries Meeting Info' tab for Ministry meeting info'.
Food Pantry
Catholic Charities of Staten Island
Food Pantry Delivery for the Homebound
CCSI offers a new food pantry delivery service that brings emergency food to the homes of individuals who are homebound. For more information or to refer someone to the program, please call (718) 447-6330, ext. 2889.
“The Archdiocese of New York takes stewardship of your donations seriously.
If you have knowledge of or reason to suspect misconduct, please report your concerns via a toll-free hotline
at 877-820-0541 or on the internet at
http:// Both are available 24 hours per day.”
Prayers For Our Volunteers
We ask your prayers for our incredible volunteers who serve our parish every week. May God bless you all for your kindness, faithfulness and stewardship.
Religious Ed Program
Classes will not be in session on Dec 25 and Jan 1. Classes will resume on Wednesday Jan 7.Sponsor certificates
In order to receive a sponsor certificate you must have received all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Communion and Confirmation) and must be registered with the parish and attending Sunday mass weekly for at least 2 months.
Altar Servers
We are looking for children to serve at our masses. We will train your child. Please call the rectory for more information.
Parish Registration
If you wish to register with the parish, please stop by the office
Monday through Friday between 9 am and 5 pm.
No documentation is required.
We can register you over the phone.
Sponsor certificates for Baptism and Confirmation
can only be issued to parishioners who are registered
and attending mass regularly for at least 2 months.
Walking with Moms in Need
The Walking with Moms in Need initiative seeks to engage every parish in supporting pregnant and parenting mothers in difficult circumstances. Many wonderful ministries already exist throughout the Archdiocese of New York, but they need support from the whole Church, both through volunteering and donating, and also to spread the word to moms in need that we are here for them.
Consider how you might get involved in this important work. If you are interested in being a parish leader for Walking with Moms in Need,
contact [email protected]
or visit 'Walking with Moms in Need'
Smoke Alarms
Free and installed by the Red Cross. Call 800-733-2767