Prayer to Saint Roch
(The Patron Saint for the
Epidemic Diseases)
O Blessed St Roch,
Patron of the sick, Have pity on those
Who lie upon a bed of suffering.
Your power was so great
When you were in this world,
That by the sign of the Cross,
Many were healed of their diseases.
Now that you are in heaven,
Your power is not less. Offer, then, to God
Our sighs and tears.
And obtain for us that health we seek
Through Christ Our Lord Amen.
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that provides an alternate
means of support for
St. Adalbert- St. Roch Parish instead of using envelopes.
If you would like to donate online, click on the 'Online Giving' picture above and follow the directions.
Thank you for your generosity
and support of our parish.
If you are having a problem with your WeShare online giving account please give us a call so we can make the new publisher aware.
WeShare es un servicio en línea que proporciona una alternativa medios de apoyo para Parroquia St. Adalbert- St. Roch en lugar de usar sobres.
Si desea hacer una donación en línea, haga clic en la imagen 'Donaciones en línea' que se encuentra arriba y siga las instrucciones.
gracias por tu generosidad y apoyo de nuestra parroquia.
Si tiene un problema con su cuenta de donaciones en línea de WeShare, llámenos para que podamos informar al nuevo editor.
Message from the Pastor
I write this message with immense gratitude and admiration for the incredible efforts each of you has contributed to our parish throughout the year. Your dedication and selflessness have truly made this place a better community.
Together, we have built bridges of compassion, sown seeds of kindness, and nurtured the spirit of togetherness. Your countless hours of service, whether in organizing all special events of the parish, lending a helping hand for the food pantry, or offering a comforting presence, have not gone unnoticed. Your contributions, no matter how small, have made a significant impact, creating a haven where all feel welcome and cared for.
Our parish thrives because of your generosity, commitment, and the genuine love you pour into every task. Each of you is a vital thread in the beautiful tapestry that is our parish community, and I want to express my heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support.
Thank you for being the driving force behind the warmth and strength of our parish.
May God Bless you!
With deep gratitude and faith,
Fr. Albin Roby
Almighty Father, I thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead and redeemed humankind. Fill us with the fire of the Holy Spirit, that we may be faithful disciples and enthusiastic witnesses of our Catholic faith. Alleluia, Christ is risen! Amen.
Cardinal's 2024 Campaign
We thank our parishioners who have already made a donation to this year's Cardinal's Stewardship Campaign. Help us reach our parish's outreach goal by making a pledge or a onetime donation to this year's campaign.